Center for Government Innovation

How FIT are you?

It's an understatement to say that COVID-19 has presented significant challenges this year. We have witnessed its devastating effects physically, prompting us to take extra health precautions and increase virus testing. At the same time, it's important to take precautions fiscally to ensure local governments maintain financial health. With decreased revenue and increased costs, local governments must be especially vigilant and use reputable resources and tools to inform them when making difficult financial decisions.

Find your purpose to combat stress

Are you finding that you have a few stressors in your life these days? Your dining room table is also a home office and school desk; your cat interrupts important virtual meetings with your boss; so much togetherness! Connecting to a strong sense of purpose might just help you deal more effectively with stress whatever your situation might be.

Add a projection to your financial data using FIT’s new feature

A new reporting feature in the Financial Intelligence Tool makes it simple for a local government to project its data into the future. Governments, with their often limited or restricted resources, have a responsibility to plan for the future. That management responsibility is often required by state law through the budgeting process. Although a local government won't hear from us about how to budget or plan for the future, it can still take advantage of our statutory requirement to publish each government's financial data, which we do using FIT.

Look forward

Join the Center for Government Innovation to discuss resources from the past year

The Center for Government Innovation of the Washington State Auditor's Office is hosting virtual get-togethers to discuss resources, guidance and more that we have developed this past year.

Registration is now open for these no-cost sessions, and are open to all Washington state local government staff and elected officials.

Follow these links to register for your preferred timeslot:

Managing remote teams: Situational awareness

Six months ago, few local governments had telework policies in place. In response to the statewide COVID-19 shutdown, remote work very quickly became the norm.

Today, Washington's local governments are facing different challenges. Some teams have become a hybrid of in-office and remote workers, to accommodate individual needs and duties. Or maybe, based on your experience, you are now considering remote work as a possibility for the future, a great perk that can help you recruit from a wider pool of candidates.

Lean leadership: Are you ‘leading’ or ‘doing’ the work?

By Debra Hentz, Center for Government Innovation

“It had to get done quickly.”

“It was hard to explain it to others.”

“My team is inexperienced.”

“It was just easier to do it myself.”

“I wanted it done my way.”

These are some of the excuses I made in the past for why I was doing great work rather than leading my team to reach our goals. Then I realized that to become a better leader and build a high-performing team, I needed to admit that I was doing the work rather than leading the organization.