Center for Government Innovation

Are your GAAP statements ready for prime time? Here are a few resource reminders!

It's that time of year, local governments are busy finalizing their annual financial reports and filing them with our Office. There's a lot to remember and effective reviews are very important to ensure a quality product.

As you work to wrap up your reporting year, we want to remind you about resources you might find helpful. The resources covered in this article are specifically for governments preparing statements under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Do you need a federal single audit for 2020 or 2021? You might for the first time! Prepare early with these 5 tips.

With the pandemic, many governments have and will receive additional federal funding, such as the Cares Act. For some governments, this might mean going through a federal single audit for the first time.

A federal single audit is required when you spend more than $750,000 of federal funds in one year, regardless of whether those federally-sourced funds came directly from the federal government or were passed through from a state or local government.

Keep the conversation going forward

Do you ever feel like you keep having the same conversations about shared projects over and over? You spend half your time just talking about the same ideas you chewed on last time with little forward progress. And now with the addition of a video conference platform, conversations can feel even more frustrating and less productive. What can you do?

Recently filed your 2020 annual report? Check out your data in FIT.

Congrats on submitting your annual report. If you are a local government user, the Financial Intelligence Tool's (FIT) role-based functionality allows you to access your 2020 data right now! There is no need to wait until June if you use the “Live” Annual Filing Data option. First, login in to FIT, then select “Live” Annual Filing Data in the upper right hand corner drop down menu. You now can explore your updated trends, financial health indicators and more.

FIT Data Stories: Sales tax

Sales Tax – Oh the stories FIT data can tell!

Sales tax represents about a quarter of all city and town revenues, but did you know that three Washington cities or towns derive more than 50 percent of their total revenues from sales tax? Can you guess which ones and why? Unlock the answers to these questions and a world of other sales tax data stories by opening our interactive infographic based on data from the Financial Intelligence Tool (FIT).