Reporting Year: 2024

BARS Alerts

Change Date
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) guidance
Annual update completed, see changes in table below

Overview of Changes – Applicable to the Reporting Year 2024

Chart of Account

Topic Reference
BARS Account Exports BARS codes 333.XX

Changed the above prescribed title to Federal Indirect awards 

BARS Account Exports BARS codes 334.XX

Changed the above prescribed title to State Grants, Awards, and Other Contributions 

BARS Account Exports BARS code 334.01.21

Retired code

BARS Account Exports BARS code 524.20

Updated description for better clarification on when to use the code

BARS Account Exports BARS code 558.50

Updates description for better clarification on when to use the code

BARS Account Exports BARS code 524.60

Updates description for better clarification on when to use the code

BARS Account Exports BARS code 591.XX

Updated the description to reference principal payments of interfund loans

BARS Account Exports BARS Account Exports

Updated the Codes to Funds matrix, applicable for FY2024 BARS accounts.


Optional - General Ledger Accounts 1.2

Added liability code 263.13 Self-insurance and risk pool claims liabilities

Created excel file for governments to download, includes GL account numbers and descriptions. *GL Accounts are optional use*


Topic Reference
Fund Accounting and Fund Types 3.1.1

-Removed Accounting Principles, as they are now located at 3.1.10.

-Updating of codification references

-Minor clarifications


Accounting Principles 3.1.10

This topic has been included with Fund Principles in prior manuals. Changes include:
- creating a new page
- reorganizing the page
- removing repetitive guidance that is displayed in other areas of the manual
- minor clarifications
- adding GASB100 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections guidance



Special Assessments 3.2.7

Reorganized and cleaned up the BARS page

Provided clarification for the accounting of operating and capital special assessments

Capital Asset Management System Requirements 3.3.9

Clean-up and clarifications done in this section. Updated information related to federal awards.

Capital Asset Accounting 3.3.10

Clarification added regarding allocating costs to projects.

Controls Over Capital Assets 3.3.11

General clean-up and clarifications in this section.

Leases 3.4.1

Clarified accounting for variable payments and rate increases.

Added guidance for prepaid leases.

Pensions 3.4.2

Annual updates and added guidance for defined benefit plans vs. defined contribution plans, qualifying vs. non-qualifying trusts, and accounting for tax revenue for pensions

Intergovernmental and Forgivable Loans 3.4.7

Added the guidance regarding working advances from DSHS. 

LOCAL Program Financing 3.4.11

Added the accounting and reporting for the LOCAL Program.

Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) 3.4.17

Updated measurement dates table

Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangement (SBITA) 3.4.21

Clarified accounting for variable payments and rate increases. Added guidance for prepaid subscriptions.

Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships (PPP) 3.4.22

Clarified accounting for variable payments and rate increases.

Compensated Absences 3.4.23

New accounting section for compensated absences calculation due to GASB Statement 101- Compensated Absences.

Classification of Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources 3.5.1

Clarified deferred inflows - unavailable revenue category, removing nonexchange transactions to accurately reflect GASB Codification 1600.106. Any revenue transaction may be classified in this category if it not received in the governments availability period. Note: this change would only impact significant/material unpaid receivables not collected in the availability period.

Working Advances from the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) 3.6.10

Guidance moved to Intergovernmental and Forgivable Loans sections due to reporting requirements of Working Advances

Federal Awards - Accounting 3.7.1

Added information on revisions to the Uniform Guidance and clarification of definitions.

Unemployment and Deferred Compensation 3.8.1

Minor clarifications to unemployment compensation, including accounting for claims expenses if the government does not set aside resources to pay future claims.

Voucher Certification and Approval 3.8.5

Incorporated RCW reference and clarified the voucher certification and approval section.


Voter Registration and Election Cost Allocation 3.8.12

Removed the allocation methods and linked to the Secretary of State's Election Cost Allocation and Reimbursement website.

Reimbursements 3.9.4

Updating GASB references, adding clarifying language to on what is a reimbursement from external parties.

Overhead Cost Allocation 3.9.5

Removal of non-prescriptive guidance Additional clarification and clean-up

Bonds and Revenue Warrants 3.4.3

Due to changes in RCWs this section is no longer applicable, therefore this section has been retired.

Fund Types 3.1.1

Removed Accounting Principles, as they are now located at 3.1.10.

-Updating of codification references

-Minor clarifications


Topic Reference
Liabilities (Schedule 09) 4.8.3

Clarified the 263.12 Claims and Judgments code definition and added new code 263.XX for self-insurance and risk pool claims liabilities.

Liabilities (Schedule 09) 4.8.3

Clarified the 263.12 Claims and Judgments code definition and added new code 263.XX for self-insurance and risk pool claims liabilities.

Risk Management (Schedule 21) 4.8.9

Clarified the definition of self-insurance and self-insurance programs. When this definition applies to the reimbursable method for unemployment and Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) – Voluntary Plans.


Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA/Schedule 16) 4.14.5

Annual update to the SEFA including information about Uniform Guidance updates.

Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

General clarification to align with GASB reporting requirements.

Note X – Accounting and Reporting Changes Note X – Accounting and Reporting Changes

This note has been removed as it has been replaced by another due to the implementation of GASB 100.


Note X-Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Note X-Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

New note disclosure for Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

Note X - Certain Risk Disclosures Note X - Certain Risk Disclosures

Certain Risk Disclosure note instructions provided for early implementation of GASB 102.

Note X – Changes in Long-Term Liabilities Note X – Changes in Long-Term Liabilities

Updated for GASB 101 compensated absences can be netted and do not need to be included in the liquidity statement.

Note X – COVID-19 Pandemic Note X – COVID-19 Pandemic

Removing the COVID-19 Pandemic specific note and allowing governments to use the existing notes for any further disclosures for the pandemic.

Note X – Pensions – State Sponsored (DRS) Plans Note X – Pensions – State Sponsored (DRS) Plans

Annual pension updates.

Note X – Prior Period Adjustments Note X – Prior Period Adjustments

This note has been removed as it has been replaced by another due to the implementation of GASB 100

Online Filing

Topic Reference
Schedule 01 Templates BARS Reporting Templates

Schedule 01 templates for online filing schedules have been updated. To access the reporting templates please see BARS Reporting Templates pages.

Pension and OPEB Templates BARS Reporting Templates

Fiscal year 2024 Pension Calculation Worksheet template is available for download. To access the pension template please see the BARS Reporting Templates page.

Schedule 01 Templates BARS Reporting Templates

Schedule 01 templates for online filing schedules have been updated.

Pension and OPEB Templates BARS Reporting Templates

Fiscal year 2024 Pension Calculation Worksheet template is available for download.