Local governments

Concerned about possible errors on your SEFA? SAO is here to help

Washington's governments encountered special audit circumstances this year when it came to preparing the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA). School districts were no different—and many of
you found yourselves facing a federal audit for the first time because the funding you received related
to the COVID-19 pandemic met or exceeded the federal government's threshold to require an audit.

#Gov101 series returns with a look at public utility districts

We're firing up our #Gov101 series again! This time, we're featuring public utility districts, also known as PUDs.

For the next few weeks, we'll tell you all about these special purpose districts: how they're governed, how they get and spend public dollars, and how you can participate at your local PUD.

Our first video covers the types of services Washington's 28 PUDs provide to their communities and their governing structure.

Are you evaluating the risks to your federal programs? SAO has a new tool to get you started

Imagine you are planning an expensive Hawaiian vacation—your first in two years. One of the first things you check is whether any of the costs are refundable if something were to prevent you from going. When you learn you could lose your deposit if you pull out of the trip, you plan to buy trip insurance just to be safe. In other words, you've identified a risk and found a way to mitigate it.