
Best Practice
Best Practices

Maximize your accounts receivable revenue with SAO’s new resources

From accurate and prompt billing to well-designed collection procedures, accounts receivable requires a robust set of internal controls to ensure your government collects the money it is owed. A strong accounts receivable process can result in higher revenue for your government, while a weak process can lead to wasted staff time, accounting errors and lost revenue. When was the last time you took a close look at your accounts receivable?

Are your ACH internal controls strong enough to protect you from fraudsters? SAO has a new resource to help you

Do you remember the Nigerian prince scheme—that long-running internet fraud where the bad actor drains your bank account after obtaining your information? Fraudsters made $703,000 in 2018 alone on that one. While some fraudsters are still working that old scam, others have moved on to impersonating your employees and vendors to redirect Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments meant for payroll direct deposits or vendor payments. In fact, Washington governments reported $4.7 million lost to these schemes in 2020 and 2021.

Are you at risk for wire transfer fraud? SAO’s new resource details best practices for protecting public money

Wire transfers move money from one bank account to another. They are a fast way to send money and, if a fraudster intervenes, a fast way to lose it. Wire transfer fraud has dramatically increased in recent years, and more local governments are becoming victims of these scams.

Overtime is too costly to ignore. Use your data to monitor it

Originally published June 2, 2022. Updated August 9, 2023.

As local governments experience staffing shortages, such as for law enforcement, correction officers, paramedics, utility linemen and many others, existing employees may work increased overtime. Monitoring overtime is important, so we’re republishing this article that provides you with tools to do it.

Preparing your annual report package? Check out SAO’s updated cash basis checklist

Every year, we update the cash basis financial statement checklist so that you have the latest guidance as you prepare your government's annual report filing package. In addition to incorporating the most recent BARS changes, we also monitor audit results and make additional adjustments to help you check for common errors.