
Does your government use electronic disbursements? SAO offers tips and resources for evaluating your cyber fraud risks

The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in increased dependence on technology and electronic payment networks. This shift has created new opportunities for bad actors to steal public resources and assets from your government. By using various cyber fraud schemes, such as fake email addresses or compromised email accounts, bad actors are successfully tricking governments into rerouting electronic disbursements to their own accounts. And the fraudsters are raking in a hefty profit.

Do you have employees working remotely? Help them protect your government’s data

The COVID-19 pandemic forced local governments to rapidly convert many office employees to work-from-home employees. While some have returned to the workplace, many employees continue to work either fully or partially remotely. Working from home has many benefits, but it also brings additional risks because remote workers are more vulnerable to cybercrime than those who work in the office.

What exactly is a data breach?

If it seems like data breaches are in the news nearly every day, it's because they are. While breaches at large companies often dominate the headlines, cybercriminals are also hacking local and state governments, public and private universities, and school districts. Yet, despite the prevalence of the breach-centric news cycle, many people don't know what exactly a data breach is, how it typically starts, and why it occurs.

A message from State Auditor Pat McCarthy: See yourself in cyber

Whether you work for a local government that provides frontline emergency services or an agency that handles sensitive information like personal or financial records, you have an important role in cybersecurity.

That is why the State Auditor's Office will be joining in the theme of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, “See yourself in cyber.” While cybersecurity can be technical and complex, much of it comes down to people and the choices they make.

Are your ACH internal controls strong enough to protect you from fraudsters? SAO has a new resource to help you

Do you remember the Nigerian prince scheme—that long-running internet fraud where the bad actor drains your bank account after obtaining your information? Fraudsters made $703,000 in 2018 alone on that one. While some fraudsters are still working that old scam, others have moved on to impersonating your employees and vendors to redirect Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments meant for payroll direct deposits or vendor payments. In fact, Washington governments reported $4.7 million lost to these schemes in 2020 and 2021.

Daylight saving time: Add testing your backup file system to your time change routine

This weekend marks the start of daylight saving time, and we all know the drill: Change your clocks and the batteries in your smoke alarms. But how often are you testing your government's backup file system? With the rapid rise in phishing and ransomware schemes, the biannual time change can also serve as a handy reminder to perform this critical task.

Cybersecurity Special Report 2022: Keeping an independent eye on government IT security

Washington's state and local governments possess countless IT systems that provide critical government services and handle vital and sometimes very personal data. The public expects government to do all it can to ensure that these systems are secure so critical services can be delivered and data stored in those systems is not lost, stolen or damaged.

The State Auditor's Office plays a unique role in keeping an independent eye on government IT security. We work with state and local governments to help improve their cybersecurity programs through audits and outreach activities.